WORKCOWORK - This is a management system

A management system designed for people: easy to learn, efficient to use.

In the WORKOWORK system, each goal is a project, which is managed and controlled through a single interface.

Первый месяц


The organization

Optimize workflows, automate tasks, and improve team interaction with our intuitive interface.

Line staff

Optimize tasks, automate processes, and improve team interaction. Increase the efficiency and productivity of your staff with WORKOWORK!

Sales of services on the Internet

Manage orders, automate processes and improve the customer experience. Boost sales and grow your business with WORKOWORK!

Централизованное управление всеми задачами

Одна система для всех ваших нужд упощает планирование и трекинг, снижает риск упустить важные детали

Легкое переключение между рабочими и личными задачами

Специализированные разделы для разных типов задач обеспечивают порядок и помогают поддержать баланс между работой и личной жизнью

Безопасность и конфиденциальность данных

Строгие меры безопасности защищают вашу личную информацию так же надежно, как и рабочие данные

What does it include WORKCOWORK?

A daily planner that is always at hand

Conduct personal, work, family, household and other business on your own or with colleagues and family members together.

Ежедневник, который всегда под рукой

Sending out a to-do list for the current day every morning

Every morning, WORKOWORK sends out a list of tasks for the current day.

Рассылка списка дел на текущий день каждое утро

Task reminders by e-mail/Push/SMS at a set time

At the specified time, WORKOWORK will send a reminder to the person responsible for completing the task.

Напоминания о задачах по e-mail/Push/SMS в заданное время

Notes on each project

Add text, audio, photo and video notes or project documents so that they are always at hand.

Заметки по каждому проекту

Search by tasks and projects

Filters by accounting sections and search by text and dates will allow you to find the right project or task in a few seconds.

Поиск по задачам и проектам

Financial accounting for each project

Individually for each project, as well as with summation by accounting sections.

Финансовый учёт по каждому проекту

Distribution of tasks into groups within each project

It allows not only to structure cases, but also to ensure the consistent execution of the entire chain of tasks in the group.

Распределение задач по группам внутри каждого проекта

Choosing the person responsible for each task

Делегируйте выполнение задач, без помощи звонков, чатов, емейл переписок.

Выбор ответственного за выполнение каждой задачи

Sequential automatic activation of tasks after completing the previous ones

WORKOWORK's task control algorithms will do the routine work of monitoring and activating tasks for you.

Последовательная автоматическая активация задач после выполнения предыдущих

Activating tasks on a given date

The task completion date can be set for any date from today and for years to come.

Активация задач в заданную дату

Sending notifications about changes in task statuses to employees for each project

You do not need to inform employees about changes, and remind them of the conditions of the task, because the notification comes with a link to a specific task.

Рассылка уведомлений об изменении статусов задач для сотрудников по каждому проекту

Task group templates for repeatable and typical action sequences<

By adding a task group to the templates, you no longer have to enter the same tasks for different projects.

Шаблоны групп задач для повторяемых и типовых последовательностей действий

Automatic control of the execution of "Sales scripts" and other sequential actions

When registering a project using the API (for example, a lead from a website), a group of processing tasks will be created, and a processing script will be available in each task, which will make it as easy as possible to train employees and evaluate their performance.

Автоматический контроль исполнения "Скриптов продаж" и других последовательных действий

Additional task reminders by E-mail/Push/SMS at the specified time

For reminders, you do not need to set an alarm clock or ask an assistant - just set a reminder in WORKOWORK.

Дополнительные напоминания о задачах по E-mail/Push/SMS в заданное время

Accounting for the time spent on completing tasks

Take into account the amount of time an employee spent on individual tasks and over a certain period.

Учёт затраченного времени на выполнение задач

Registration of applications/requests (leads) from your sources

WORKOWORK supports API integrations to solve your tasks individually.

Регистрация заявок/обращений(лидов) из Ваших источников

An automatically created task group for processing each new request

It will ensure the processing of leads according to pre-described scenarios and scripts.

Автоматически создаваемая группа задач по обработке каждой новой заявки

Monitoring compliance with sales algorithms, time and quality of service

All information on project events is recorded from the moment of creation and stored in the history without the possibility of deletion.

Контроль соблюдения алгоритмов продаж, времени и качества обслуживания

Setting access rights and user permissions individually for each accounting section

Each user will see only what the rights assigned by the administrator allow them to see.

Установка прав доступа и полномочий пользователей индивидуально для каждого раздела учёта

Separation of projects by accounting sections (for example: Primary processing/Sales/Remarketing) with the possibility of transfer

Track the number of projects in each accounting section, and analytics tools will help you evaluate the effectiveness.

Разделение проектов по разделам учета (например: Первичная обработка/Продажи/Ремаркетинг) с возможностью переноса

Customizable display of information blocks for each accounting section

Register the necessary information in convenient information blocks, and adjust the display according to your current goals.

Настраиваемое отображение инфоблоков для каждого раздела учёта

Formation of primary sales algorithms (call/send KP)

Track typical problems and refine sales scripts, materials for dealing with objections, and everything you need to achieve your goals.

Формирование первичных алгоритмов продаж (позвонить/отправить КП)

Accounting of personal files, customer service, and business processes in the system with a clear separation of access rights

Work independently, with colleagues, a team, or manage departments, monitor work with contractors. The WORKOWORK functionality provides all this in a single system.

Учёт в системе личных дел, работы с клиентами, бизнес-процессов с четким разделением прав доступа

Intuitive interface, interactive learning features and online support.

The administrator is the only person who needs to understand the system in order to enter tasks into it and assign rights to users. There are instructions for everyone else, and no training is required.

Понятный интерфейс, интерактивные функции обучения и онлайн поддержка.

Employee performance analytics and accounting statistics

Track KPIs, data on the number of tasks processed and results, statistics, processing time, processing speed of new tasks, and other performance parameters.

Аналитика эффективности сотрудников и статистические данные учёта

Recording the history of all events in the system

All moves are recorded in WORKOWORK. There is no chance of provocation and the creation of ambiguous situations - all events are visible to the administrator "from and to".

Запись истории всех событий в системе

Adaptability to different management methods (Agile, Waterfall, Scrum), their variations and mixes.

Manage as you like, run projects with sequential or parallel task execution, or mix these approaches thanks to the settings for disabled task tracking in task groups - everything is for your convenience.

Адаптивность к разным методам управления(Agile, Waterfall, Scrum), их вариациям и миксам.

The possibility of modular refinement of the system to achieve the set goals.

WORKOWORK is open to solving specific tasks of Corporate clients, and we are ready to offer modular improvements so that your version of the system works exactly as you need it.

Возможность модульной доработки системы для достижения поставленных целей.

24/7 access to all your business

WORKOWORK is always at hand, and it is impossible to forget it at home or in the car.

Доступ 24/7 ко всем вашим делам

Mobile app for IOS/Android

For even more convenience, a selection of interfaces is available for the Desktop version, as well as in Android and iOS applications.

Мобильное приложение для IOS/Android

WORKCOWORK It is suitable for solving the following problems

WORKOWORK is not just a system, it is your reliable partner in business management. Customize it to your needs and feel full control over every aspect of your company.

  1. Inefficient resource management

    If your company spends too much time and resources on routine operations, the WORKOWORK system optimizes these processes, allowing you to focus on business development.

  2. Violation of team coordination

    Difficulties in managing multitasking and coordinating the actions of different departments can reduce work efficiency. WORKOWORK helps improve internal communication and coordination by simplifying project and task management.

  3. Lack of transparency in processes

    If you find it difficult to track the completion of tasks and monitor processes in real time, WORKOWORK provides monitoring and analytics tools, increasing the transparency of your business.

  4. Difficulties in making managerial decisions

    The lack of complete and up-to-date information can lead to erroneous decisions. The WORKOWORK system collects all data in a single database, providing access to up-to-date information for the right strategic decisions.

  5. High dependence on key employees

    If a business is heavily dependent on certain individuals, this creates risks. WORKOWORK automates critical processes, reducing dependence on individual employees.

  6. Misunderstanding of the reasons for the low conversion of leads to orders

    Using the system helps to eliminate problems related to algorithms and the quality of work of the sales department: improve the overall organization of the process and increase customer satisfaction.

    WORKOWORK provides the ability to integrate with sites to collect leads, process them, and store the processing history in the system.

Chats for each task and project - instead of correspondence, calls and meetings

  • 120


  • 5

    Vk Personal

  • 22

    Vk Group

  • 13


  • 145

    TG Personal

  • 65

    TG Bot

  • 184


  • 901


  • 13



* Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook, Instagram) It is recognized as extremist, and its activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.


The first month is free!

  • до 7 пользователей
  • 1 GB of space
Get started for free

Get all the functionality of the "Start" tariff for free for a month

Advantages of the service

WORKOWORK is not just a system, it is your reliable partner in business management. Customize it to your needs and feel full control over every aspect of your business.

Accounting for all areas of activity in one system

The division of activities by project types allows you to keep records of all cases in one system. Each section has individual settings for information blocks, access rights and notifications

Monitoring the completion of all project tasks

Additional check "Is everything done?" allows administrators or moderators to confirm completion of work on a project after completing the last task in the project

Automatic notifications

Instant notifications to users about changes in task statuses and chat messages

Daily mailing of the to-do list

Every morning, WORKOWORK sends out a list of tasks for the current day individually to each employee

Setting additional reminders

For each task, you can set an additional reminder at a specified time and WORKOWORK will send a notification by e-mail, sms and push, according to the settings

Setting the priority of tasks

Setting a special task status raises the project containing this task to the top of the list of projects and highlights it in color

WORKOWORK non-stop

A unique automated task control system will perform routine control for you

Video instructions “The Educator”

If you have any questions when working with the system, you can always refer to the video instructions available for each section

Individual chat for each task

Notifications come instantly and will be transferred to the chat directly for the task, allowing you to instantly return to the context of the issue under discussion

Accessibility from any device

The service works 24/7 and is available in any desktop and mobile device browsers without installing software.

Each project has a clear structure

Each project contains: information about the client, the essence of the project, input data, tasks, notes, finances and a general chat on the project.

Clarity of task setting and control of results

When setting tasks and describing the results of their implementation, it is possible to add photos, videos, voice recordings and documents

Technical support

The technical support team works in chat mode directly in the system interface

Speed at altitude

Modern technologies used in the development provide the best performance to all WORKOWORK management system software

Interactive user setup

The introductory project is available immediately after registration and provides an introduction to the basic aspects of the system

Information security

Emergency shutdown of the database, making all information inaccessible until you enter a password known only to you, the business owner

Data security

Daily automatically created database backup

Access Restrictions Settings

Each type of project has individual access settings for each user

WORKCOWORK does not require employee training

No additional employee training is required, so you just have to choose how you want to use the system.

Get started for free!
Просмотр задачи

Всего две кнопки для

Automatic registration of customer requests from your sources

Автоматическая регистрация заявок

Customizable information blocks

The transfer sources, contact information and other information are recorded in the project's information blocks for each application

Automatic tasks

Task processing scripts and their sequentially triggered automatically after the formation of a new request


Instant notifications to the responsible manager about a new application. Moderator/administrator notifications about processing or lack thereof

Repeat tasks and remarketing

The transfer of the application from the primary processing to another accounting section is provided for the continuation of sales and remarketing

Details about management solutions

The organization

Optimize workflows, automate tasks, and improve team interaction with our intuitive interface.

Working with contractors

Optimize tasks, automate processes, and improve team interaction. Increase the efficiency and productivity of your staff with WORKOWORK!

Sales of services on the Internet

Manage orders, automate processes and improve the customer experience. Boost sales and grow your business with WORKOWORK!

All tasks in one place: work and personal affairs

WORKOWORK frees you from having to use different tools and applications for different areas of life by providing a comprehensive solution to manage all your tasks.




Is free

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • 1 user

    Adding additional users (up to 10) $2/ month for each

  • 100 Mb. spaces

    Expansion of space: 500 Mb. - $50/ month. or 1 Gb. - $100/ month. or 3 Gb. - $200/ month.

  • 0 SMS

    SMS connection: 100 SMS - $150 or 300 SMS - $300 or 500 SMS - $600

  • PUSH-notifications


$250 / 1 month

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • 7 users

    Adding additional users (up to 10) $2/ month for each

  • 500 Mb. spaces

    Expansion of space: 500 Mb. - $50/ month. or 1 Gb. - $100/ month. or 3 Gb. - $200/ month.

  • 10 SMS

    SMS connection: 100 SMS - $150 or 300 SMS - $300 or 500 SMS - $600

  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode


Выбор партнеров

$500 / 1 month

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • 20 users

    Adding additional users (up to 10) $2/ month for each

  • 1 Gb. spaces

    Expansion of space: 500 Mb. - $50/ month. or 1 Gb. - $100/ month. or 3 Gb. - $200/ month.

  • 20 SMS

    SMS connection: 100 SMS - $150 or 300 SMS - $300 or 500 SMS - $600

  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode


Индвидуальное предложение

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • users
  • spaces
  • SMS
  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode
  • Полная кастомизация функционала системы под ваши потребности.
  • Возможность добавления уникальных модулей или интеграции с внешними сервисами по запросу.


$750 / 3 months

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • 7 users

    Adding additional users (up to 10) $2/ month for each

  • 500 Mb. spaces

    Expansion of space: 500 Mb. - $50/ month. or 1 Gb. - $100/ month. or 3 Gb. - $200/ month.

  • 10 SMS

    SMS connection: 100 SMS - $150 or 300 SMS - $300 or 500 SMS - $600

  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode


Выбор партнеров

$1 500 / 3 months

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • 20 users

    Adding additional users (up to 10) $2/ month for each

  • 1 Gb. spaces

    Expansion of space: 500 Mb. - $50/ month. or 1 Gb. - $100/ month. or 3 Gb. - $200/ month.

  • 20 SMS

    SMS connection: 100 SMS - $150 or 300 SMS - $300 or 500 SMS - $600

  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode


Индвидуальное предложение

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • users
  • spaces
  • SMS
  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode
  • Полная кастомизация функционала системы под ваши потребности.
  • Возможность добавления уникальных модулей или интеграции с внешними сервисами по запросу.


$3 000 / 12 months

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • 7 users

    Adding additional users (up to 10) $2/ month for each

  • 500 Mb. spaces

    Expansion of space: 500 Mb. - $50/ month. or 1 Gb. - $100/ month. or 3 Gb. - $200/ month.

  • 10 SMS

    SMS connection: 100 SMS - $150 or 300 SMS - $300 or 500 SMS - $600

  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode


Выбор партнеров

$6 000 / 12 months

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • 20 users

    Adding additional users (up to 10) $2/ month for each

  • 1 Gb. spaces

    Expansion of space: 500 Mb. - $50/ month. or 1 Gb. - $100/ month. or 3 Gb. - $200/ month.

  • 20 SMS

    SMS connection: 100 SMS - $150 or 300 SMS - $300 or 500 SMS - $600

  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode


Индвидуальное предложение

All the necessary resources and instructions to make the most effective use of the course and the system.

  • users
  • spaces
  • SMS
  • PUSH-notifications
  • Support in chat mode
  • Полная кастомизация функционала системы под ваши потребности.
  • Возможность добавления уникальных модулей или интеграции с внешними сервисами по запросу.

How to start using WORKCOWORK?

the course for YouTube

To achieve your goals without your direct participation in the commissioning work, we will do everything you need for you


10 days

«system control in management"

It will help to structure processes, bring them into the system and take personal control and subsequent delegation of operational and administrative management


  • A fully configured system that implements operational and administrative accounting in all areas of activity.
  • Knowledge of the functionality of the WORKOWORK system at the level of fine-tuning of management methods for each of the accounting sections

System integration

To achieve your goals without your direct participation in the commissioning work, we will do everything you need for you


  • All processes for projects and tasks are at a glance
  • All repetitive work is automated
  • Financial and time indicators have been optimized
  • Transparent employee performance statistics (KPIs)

About the company

Александр Горский

Alexander Gorsky

Entrepreneur and businessman, founder of the company "WORKOWORK"

GSD LLC was founded in 2019 by entrepreneur and businessman Alexander Gorsky.

He created a user-friendly WORKOWORK application for project management, as existing solutions did not meet his needs. As a result, his development turned out to be useful not only for him, but also for other entrepreneurs who want to effectively control their work processes and results.

Today, WORKOWORK is a combination of advanced technologies and proven techniques, as well as a talented team consisting of developers and experts in management and business consulting. We are always focused on creating maximum value for customers by helping them reach new heights.

Наша миссия - to ensure the successful management and dynamic development of YOUR business, through our ready-made solutions!

You don't lose anything. -
1 month free

Register now and transfer your tasks to the WORKOWORK system.

Our offer of a month of free use of the system provides a unique opportunity to evaluate all the benefits of WORKOWORK without financial obligations.

You will be able to:

  • Integrate current projects and tasks, see how the system will improve management and coordination.
  • To test a full set of functionality, including setting tasks, delegation (up to 7 employees), and monitoring their implementation, as well as performance analysis.
  • Evaluate the convenience and efficiency of use, understand how WORKOWORK can become a part of your daily work.

Just fill out the form below to start using the system today. See for yourself how WORKOWORK can transform your business and help you reach new heights.

Video presentation of the system WORKCOWORK

In this video, you will find out who the system was created for and how it will be useful.

Other video materials

Presentation of WORKOWORK

Learn about the unique functionality

Key advantages

How is WORKOWORK better than other systems

Options for starting to use the WORKOWORK system

In this video, you will learn about different ways to start using the system, from payless to working with a personal manager